I picked up a second hand Nikon Monach with a mildot reticle. It dials nicely and the milldots roughly line up with some useful ranges at full power.
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@Friwi Yeh there is always 2 sides to any story ,but that does not change the fact he was caught operating out of a Cambridge house for years & had never even applied for the relevant permits or permission while going for lucrative Gov't contracts/sales against those who had & yeh Accuracy International was who l was trying to remember ,from memory they were operating out a small COMMERCIAL premise & just made out they were bigger than what they were at the time.
The only reason l remembered the name as soon as l saw the stock was l was in the process of deciding on parts for my 300 RUM build at the time & it was all any of the suppliers were talking about & like l say these were popular in Varmint rifles at the time as they were a fair bit cheaper, from memory he had been doing that shit from 2014 or so & once they found out he had never even applied for permits they were going to throw the book at him ,but the company cupboards were bare .
Blokes in a shed are the bastion of British innovation:
What magnification did you get? Have a few options for the Kimber and undecided what top mag to go for.
@bunji , look up the Model Seven 'KS' (Kevlar stock)
Attachment 186889
These are excellent stocks, they were made for the Remington Custom Shop back when they still knew what they were doing (late 80's- mid 90's).
Arguably the best stock for the Rem Model 7, plays to it's strengths of being a 'carbine', short, light, easy to handle and point. Note the open palm-swell which is like that of a shotgun.
The first batches were made by Brown Precision (same company who did the Howa Alpine stock) and McMillan made the later (and arguably better) ones. All came with a recoil bad bearing the Remington badge.
I picked up my M7 stainless with one of these stocks on it for £400 here in the UK, good deal as US guys will happily pay more for just the stock.
@caberslash Thanks l will check them out , l have only got back from a xmas break hunting trip for a few days so have a heap of shit on the back burner ,so any suggestions help & looking at local dealers the prices they want for CF at the moment is ridiculous. I am going to also look at what used on the 284W build l just finished in time for this years Roar, a Bell & Carlson Ti Stock which l have been impressed with for ability to take knocks Vs weight. Thanks for the info :thumbsup:
@bunji , I should rephrase, instead of more than one Side, I should have said more than one chapter to the story. There was probably a chapter 2,3,4 ...and in the current chapter it seems they are operating out of Morrinsville and exporting a good number of their stocks to the US.
My eyes are crap! I went for the 4-16.
I’m unsure if I’ll stick with that or go for a Swarovski. We’ll just wait and see.