I would consider shooting one if it was recoverable. However I probably wouldn't be able to even lift a backsteak let alone two
Happy Jack.
I have met and talked to Ken about moose, so I am obviously aware of what the man is up to. But Fiordland is a big place and if the only people looking for a moose is Ken Tustin and me, thats not a lot of people at any given time. The people who dont believe in it are not looking at all.
Ken and Co are not/have not being the only people looking for moose in Fiordland. Alex Gale & his son have spent a small sum in helicopter trips into the moose area near Supper Cove over the years looking for ...the moose. You don't have to be on tv/write a book to say your a moose hunter. Just saying. I would say shoot or take a bloody good photo if you see one. Call up a chopper to lift out. Moose in Fiordland, not impossible but highly unlikely in todays environment.
I know of someone else as well, and there is an Australian chap who is a bit mad about it, he believes a little too much if you know what I mean...we found moose sign very quickly, yet most people think it is a big mystery or are convinced there are none, thats why I say people are not looking hard enough, or rather, not many are seriously looking.
(Trampers on the Dusky track dont count. Trampers mostly dont see anything. They never even see deer. I once stood on the side of that track waving as a party of twenty of them filed past slowly. Not one of them noticed me.)
are you super skinny you may have just looked like a sapling blowing around - or the words going around the group were its a bloody hunter dont annoy him just ignore him he will go away
I havent been that skinny for a long time...they all had their heads down with their walking sticks going. To be fair, theres not a lot to see on the Dusky track, just mud...
well good luck with the moose search by the way what do they eat like - tough as or can they be good eating - just curious - have to be someone who has been Canada or Alaska last one was shot here I think it was 1928
I have heard its much like venison, coarser grained. The last one shot was in about 1971 by Gordon Anderson, a commercial meat shooter. Before that was a bull in 1952 by Percy Lyes, a deer culler. Others were shot in the 1930's. Some certainly undocumented as well, and some by fishermen over the years.
I should take Ken Tustin my copy of his book and get him to update it with a pen on the back page with the helicopter sighting in 1920 and this new one in Keppler.
Last edited by John Duxbury; 20-03-2025 at 08:53 PM.
Have had it in burger form in Alaska and Canada, I found it tasted like strong beef but then in burger you never know what else has been added.
Happy Jack.
Ive eaten it in Sweden. Really nice. More beef like than venison I found. I was on the dogs one day on a driven hunt and had a bull charge past us at 10-15 meters. An incredible sight and sound of heavy foot falls and smashing timber.
When you have seen a few you can't really mistake them for deer. Shape is totally wrong. The trail cam shot of kens is a moose in my opinion.
Unsophisticated... AF!
Yes I agree. It's not a red deer, so that doesnt leave much else.
A friend in Canada todlme the story of being charged by a bull moose outside his cabin. He went backwards as the moose came at him, and it was coming right in through the door, but its antlers stopped it on either side of the doorway. Apparently they hurt a lot of people up there.
To all you doubters, I can guarantee moose exist. Here's proof.
Overkill is still dead.
And they taste great
Overkill is still dead.