Wow, the size of the thing... Every time I see photo's like that I am reminded how much bigger they are than the commonly available species in NZ. There was a Belgian I think double-muscle beast in the back of Taupo/Mangakino area that stopped a conversation I was having with my passenger when we drove through there, we turned around and went back for a second look. Massive animal, and a real impressive sight to see just standing in a paddock. There were a small number of American Bison on a station in the Mohaka area a few years back, the bull was another impressive animal to look at.
It would be very cool to see or find that the moose have survived, but to do that you'd have to think that they would have to be thriving in some form and not just surviving with one or two animals scattered. There would be signs of that if it was the case surely? Is there anything in NZ (well fiordland area anyway) that moose can interbreed with and hybridise and keep the genes going in some form?