An Ameriacan vet for 30yrs who has seen dozens of moose in the wild.He knows what he saw,lucky man.
Well we can but live in hope the species does hang on.
75/15/10 black powder matters
So according to Doc, moose couldn't make it from Supper Cove to the Rainbow Reach bridge in 115 years? Why can't they just say it's possible instead of insulting the American vet who knows what moose in the wild look like?
Yeah because DOC know everything about moose. Let's believe what they say over someone who actually knows what they look like and has seen them before
I was told a few years ago that apparently moose cannot browse above their head like a red deer can, so in the Supper Cove area the moose would find it difficult to feed due to the red deer numbers and lack of undergrowth. Maybe over the 115 years they have been forced to move to areas where there are less red deer in order to survive. Conjecture but plausible.
Well that solves that problem. Thought the whole can’t rase there head was a bit of a stretch.Seen cows do this plenty. Even elephants will rear back on there hind legs to reach up. If an animal is hungry enough it will try its best to get that food. Even walk some way to get there. Just look at migration routes. Maybe that’s what there doing. Moving to better feeding grounds.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
The article uses a photo that was part of a hoax that was also accepted at the time. Grounds to be sceptical.
Moose pictures a load of bull
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