We where up nelson in the weekend seen the olds an visiting other friends an family
Done a few odd jobs for the old man that ended up spending half the time in the shed but i ddnt mind had the lad over there playing in the hay with the puppies that where more mobbing him than him playing with the, an since he cant/ hasnt figgured out how to pat them yet the tails where the target as he would just geay them an give them a yank
When the old fella said he has been having a few hogs out last couple of days givving one paddock death an dont know how as its dry as hell up there, so we went for a spotty sataday night to have a look just to see the big fella heading back in the bush throught the fence, so that was a bugger 2 little ones where seen to but we left them as decided to come back in the morning with the dogs.
The old kalisi virus had not long been through so was bugger all around.........243 had a work out popping some hares in the new crops an we went home
Next moring we where up an ready to go but them mum told/reminded the old man about a 50th they had at lunch time..............so the dogs where left at home an dad me an the boy kyro loaded in his back pack was on me an we set of on the bike till we where 3 paddocks back an walked from there
Got up the hill an popped over the brow to where we had seen them well to look over at where they where, an there where 3 small hogs around 60m away asked dad id leave them or pop them got the 'they need thinning out' so back pack off dad help the young fella then pop.......... pop.............................pop as i had a jam an we had 3 dead pigs all within 15m of each other an all popped in the back of the sweede
took them back to the shed to hand them
Had to get a phot as it was kyros first pigs
Been under one now has 2 stags, 3 hines an 3 pigs to his tally
The POSE.......................was to busy sticking his hand in the hole