Heading to the river tonight and I seen two hares on the other side so rifle came off the quad gun rack and I squeezed a shot off.
Solid hit was heard but the bloody bolt wouldn't eject the round. Will get that sorted or use the old bolt from my other Stirling .22.
Headed down over the bank and sent "Bolt" the dog out but he didn't see where the hit happened when we arrived.
The hare was dispatched by the post above.
Bolt looking for ducks or fish or eels
I thought fuck it I'm not going over there to retrieve it so carried on fishing as bolt was buggered.
No trout tonight so made the dash across the river for the retreive. Pants off carrying gumboots and rod
This is where the hare layed to rest and the shot was taken from the skyline on the other side.
Well I wasn't going to carry it across an eel infested river so Bolt did.
We just got across and the bloody eels were there.
Buggered Bolt back on the other side