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Thread: Northern Territory Trip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Auckland but from the Mainland

    Northern Territory Trip

    Returned last week from my NT hunt. This year was spent on the adjoining cattle station, all 810,000 acres of it. Same type of country and just as exciting. I managed to blast away at my hearts content. A shit load more animals to shoot on this Cattle Station.

    I took two rifles with me, used the 300 win mag mostly until I ran out of ammo then hauled out the 375 H & H. Next year I'll only take the 375, the four legged friends don't like that one.

    Numbers shot were:
    Day 1 - 14 Donkeys & 3 pigs
    Day 2 - 8 Horses, 16 Donkeys & 1 Pig
    Day 3 - 1 Donkey & 2 Pigs
    Day 4 - 2 Horses & 7 Donkeys
    Day 5 - 11 Donkeys

    My 2nd biggest tally in the 7 years of going to the NT.

    Saw heaps of Buffalo but since I got my trophy bull last year I'm not really keen on getting another one, no bloody room at home for the head.

    Most of the pigs that I drilled were big buggers, I brought back a nice jaw which is getting zapped by Maf, will pick it up next week.

    Didn't see any Dogs on this trip which was quite surprising, they are always tricky little fcukers to shoot.

    Lots of other stuff besides shooting went on, there was never a dull moment but after 10 days away it was good to be home.

    Pop Shot, 7mmsaum, Shootm and 13 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    Any photos?

    Sounds like a productive trip!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Most of the pics are of animals shot to pieces and left to Rot

    Here's a few sample pics.

    Shot this pig before breakfast having a snooze beside a track on 1st day
    Name:  1st pig.jpg
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    We had driven a 100kms and come across a mob of donkeys, they tend not to get away from you so it ends up like a turkey shoot
    Name:  NT16 donkey.jpg
Views: 519
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    Stopped here for lunch, really wanted to go for a dip but there were some big arse crocs down there, ended up throwing stones at them.
    Name:  NT16croc.jpg
Views: 515
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    I flattened a mob of donkeys out there somewhere, but it cost me my buck knife.
    Name:  NT16.jpg
Views: 527
Size:  67.6 KB

    We parked up near a creek and small waterholes, good pig country, the good thing being you don't actually know what's going to happen. Anyway about 100yds from the Landcruiser I drop this lone donkey and continue walking beside the creek ever mind full of crocs when I spy what I think is a pig or burnt tree stump about 20 yds away, using the scope as binos I crank down the magnification and have a good look for a few seconds, see an ear flicker so send some lead his way and he drops like a sack of spuds. Mid afternoon in the heat they just rest up by creek banks but blend in real well with the burnt tree stumps etc.
    Name:  NT16 pig head.jpg
Views: 507
Size:  94.5 KB

    This is just a sample of the first days action, on the way back to our camp we stopped by the homestead, one of the guys wanted to see the cocky, I just sat in the wagon rehydrating when the stations cook walked past me carrying 2 sacks of spuds to the kitchen, what a stunner of a cook. She would have been in her early 20's and would have won any model contest hands down, wearing cowboy boots, jeans and a red dusty tee shirt. Had a yarn with her and turns out she cooks for the 6 farm workers, I asked her what's on the menu tonight, she said a roast, every night it's roast for the boys.

    Anyway it was back to our camp, over an hour away from the homestead for a few well earned beers and a feed.
    Wildman, Dundee, stingray and 1 others like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    is this type of hunt a private invite only one or is it a safari outfit? sounds like a lot of fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Roast pork?

    Or just pork her?

    On serious note, did you eat anything that you shot?
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANOTHERHUNTER View Post
    is this type of hunt a private invite only one or is it a safari outfit? sounds like a lot of fun.

    It's a safari outfitter, this year was done with a new one on a new property. My usual outfitter shut up shop just before I was due to go over and he transfered his bookings to another operation on a property next door. I thought this year would be my last but will be going back next year for sure.
    It's the only place I can go to and completely relax and forget about work.
    gadgetman likes this.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beaker View Post
    Roast pork?

    Or just pork her?

    On serious note, did you eat anything that you shot?
    Only the Barramundi one of the other guys caught, a massive fish.
    I have on previous trips but but the camp food is to good.
    Beaker likes this.

  8. #8
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Cheers for that 300
    stingray likes this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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  9. #9
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    What's with the Donkeys 300, are they considered a pest?
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakewire View Post
    What's with the Donkeys 300, are they considered a pest?
    Yes and the horse's and there are 10's of thousands of them. All eating the cattle tucker.

    Sitting down with the cocky one night having a few beers, he flew by chopper into our camp and ended up staying the night.

    The maths are:
    810,000 acres
    20,000 head of cattle
    Truck away 5,000 cattle to Darwin for live export every year
    Average beast weighs in at 350kg - 400kg
    $3.60 kg live weight
    Cattle lose 30kg on road trip
    Cocky has a transit farm near Darwin where his walking dollars put the 30kgs back on over a month or so before heading to the port where they are weighed and loaded
    One road train holds 170 cattle.

    His workshop is like a Steptoe & sons scrap yard spread over a few acres with quite a few toys parked up, a couple of choppers, D7H Cat, 2 graders, a heap of trucks and shit loads of Landcruisers. If you were a young guy mechanically minded and could weld you wouldn't find it hard getting a job over there. Be in pigs heaven hunting wise. The place is 3 - 4 hours away from the nearest asphalt road.
    jakewire and Dundee like this.

  11. #11
    Rob von tempsky fan's Avatar
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    Hi there , what's a trip like that cost in rough terms? I'd love to give it a Crack.

  12. #12
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300winmag View Post
    Yes and the horse's and there are 10's of thousands of them. All eating the cattle tucker.

    Sitting down with the cocky one night having a few beers, he flew by chopper into our camp and ended up staying the night.

    The maths are:
    810,000 acres
    20,000 head of cattle
    Truck away 5,000 cattle to Darwin for live export every year
    Average beast weighs in at 350kg - 400kg
    $3.60 kg live weight
    Cattle lose 30kg on road trip
    Cocky has a transit farm near Darwin where his walking dollars put the 30kgs back on over a month or so before heading to the port where they are weighed and loaded
    One road train holds 170 cattle.
    That's a fairly decent yearly income for him.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  13. #13
    LOC is offline
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    Any camels out there @300winmag

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LOC View Post
    Any camels out there @300winmag
    Unfortunately not that far North

  15. #15
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by outdoorlad View Post
    That's a fairly decent yearly income for him.
    6.3mil gross income minus operating costs, tax, motrgage repayments, natural disasters, fluctuating prices etc could = Broke as a broke thing at he end of the day when all the dust has settled.

    I'd love to Hunt there myself one day ........ If nothing else but to experience the sheer vastness and isolation.

    puku likes this.
    Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.

    After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.



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