Hi all,
Thort id tell you about the week ive just had in the bush.
Day 1
Got to the hut around lunchtime on Monday.
Unpacked the gears and was of.
Not 300m from the hut walking down the track my dog Finn stops dead still and points,Well not really points but dose the half squat and stares when he sees deer.
I said F#@k off noddy stop been a goose where to close to the hut.
Then i heard a crunch, Not 5 mtrs from me Is a rusa hind.
Thinking i had it in the bag I slowly chamberd a round (all going well so far) The final click on closing the bolt off for a shot had her turn and look rite at me( SHIT.) took my eyes off her for a sec to see where the dog was and CRASSH...GONE...and the Finn gave me that lookyou retard.
No deer seen for the rest of the day.
Day 2
Up at 5 am we where off up a sper 2/3s of the way up everything going well.
Once again Finn indercates.
Few mins later had me looking at a nice 6 point Red feeding slowly down hill towards us.
Somthing spooked him and he started to run towards us.
I Had no chance of a shot so let out a bark, The stag saw me ,turned and ran to my rite and went out of site.
sure enouff 3 pig dogs came ripping down the hill.
I said GO WIDE and ponted left and Finn took off to my left.
I then let out 2 more barks that had the pig dogs confused for a short period..Hopefully giving Mr Red time to escape them..
It worked because i later ran into the hunters once i had come back down.
No deer for day 2 and no pigs for the other party.
Day 3
Short hunt to check out a ridge 5am start
All going well quite alot of shingle in places but alot of sign.
10am I had a bit of a woopsie.( I slipped and fell about 30-40m )
I was auctully nocked unconsous and came around at 730pm, Total Darkness and frezzing.
I was quite dazed and a little unsure what i was doing with a thumping headache.
I knew it was going to be long night.
ended up dropping down into the stream below.
Cant have been thinking to well.
I tied my bootlaces together between 2 trees and made a hoochy out of ferns to try and cut out the wind.(worked well)
I then slipped into my survival bag have it rip and fall to bits. (dont be a cheep ass and buy the kmart ones)
I think i went in and out of consousness a few times thru the nite, I awoke at 7am this morning to find parts of my stuffed bag tied around my neck, stuffed between my thermals and even stuffed in my undies haha.
Finn was also a good wee dude helping to keep me warm.
It took a while to work out where i was and to find my rifle this morning.
(strangley enouff I also found my wedding ring beside it as it was allways a bit loose)
That would have been a hard one to explane.
Got out ok and had a check up from the doc..I am not to sleep for a while but everything should be ok.
Duck shooting is on so the deer are once again off the menu.
hopefully my next hunting adventure will be a bit better,RUSA ROAR!!!!
( ill get a new decent survival blanket maybe even 2 )