Got out for some day hunts during the roar it was very warm end of march april didn't hear or get onto any stags in the area I hunt this year .Put in a pretty big day went to a lot of wollows and scraps but no luck .Up early the next day parked my jimny wind was all over the place so I headed down a old logging road to see if any deer had crossed and I was going to follow it in got to the end of the road no fresh sign so started to head some were else with the dogs heard a noise looked up to a nice sunny face to see a hind walk out onto it waited a bit to see if a stag was going to follow her out but no stag so I closed the bolt and fired only to see the hind run up hill thought to myself that cant be good .So went and found a way up got close to were I thought the deer was standing said to the dogs go find my older dog spook headed off the other dog had trouble getting up because it was so steep I heard spook bark so I knew that he had found it when a managed to get to where the dogs where 1 very dead hind underneath a dead tree don't think I would have found it with out the dogs. Hind was shot in the shoulder
The hind after I dragged it out
looking out over the area that I hunt I gutted the hind carried it off the face left it in the shade went back and got the jimny then loaded it carefully into it and headed home ended up being a good day