Turning 78 next month: very keen to get a deer on the ground within the next 2 years (it will have to be on flattish ground, or downhill there and back!) and then I can think about selling the Winchester Featherweight in .308 that's taken a truckload of animals for me; still felling, splitting and stacking my firewood; reroofing my shed the other day, I realised I'm not as comfortable working at height as I once was (I think you lose a little bit of balance/coordination=loss of confidence in the aging process; and I get pissed off with the young people I encounter who have no bloody resilience! I spend a lot of time at my bach, on an island that has no electricity, no sewage disposal, no piped water supply, no street lights, no Wifi. Old age, eh? I can't wait..I hear you can take it easy, without feeling guilty.