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This notion of pigs stalking/attacking/charging hunters is absolute bloody Walt Disney Hog Wash.What do you base your beliefs on?It's nothing more than a wives tale.Having run pig dogs for 35years I recon I've got a reasonable understanding of Sus Scrofa. Like every other introduced mammal into NZ,their strong natural reaction to a human threat is to get the hell out of it.Hence their acute hearing and smell defence.Although they,re not as leggy as a donk,they can still turn and burn at pace once the dreaded human threat is detected.Granted like many other mammals if cornered by you,with no line of escape, they will change from the default flight to fight mode but only because you have brought this situation about.Suckling sows with a strong maternal instinct will occasionally return to a squealing weaner if you have your mitts on it,but generally she,ll play the odds game and scarpper with the balance of the litter.Similarly bailed,cornered Boars with no other option will temporarily stand and fight to save it's skin as a result of the situation responsible by you again.Once shacken of the bail they will once again take to their heels as their natural flight mode.Funny thing is all these yarns about stalking pigs is that they are invariably HUGE which to me says to me a bit about the victim.