It is a horrible death to any four legged animal and they all behave the same when poisoned. Goats are not susceptible to the degree that deer are and remain in numbers after poison drops. To poison pigs and do a good job then dead goat or wild sheep carcases are laced with 1080,once again a horrible death.
Pigs will however scavenge dead rabbits and coons that have been 1080'd and after a guts full,guess what.
Far too many people take the 1080 spin on the chin and really know bugger all about it.
Depending on weather conditions repellent will only last a very short time and once washed off it's back to normal,very deadly.
Repellent has never been used in the Kahurangi,Victoria or Paparoas,hence the extremely low deer numbers and they intend to keep dropping.