1 Attachment(s)
One for the ole .243 part 2
Having a few computer issues but ill carry on regardless.
That rifle in my earlier post is my ole Ruger m77 243 that i bought when i was about 20yrs old so that is 43 yrs ago, it has been largely unused for many years as it suddenly started spraying shots all over the place , like 3 or 4 moa at one hundred , i had it out of the safe awhile back and gave the bore a bloody good scrub and apart from some pitting didn't think the bore looked toooo bad !!! LOL so sent her off to get an inch chopped off the barrel and a re crown.
When i got her back i mounted a similar vintage Leupold 2-7 scope and using some Federal blue box 100gr soft points i was very pleased to get a group of around 1.5 moa certainly good enough for bush hunting .
Last weekend i went for a hunt up my old stomping ground the Hihitahi just north of Taihape and instead of taking my flash harry Tikka t3x 7m rem mag with all its modern attachments eg suppresser, bipod and dial up scope i took my ole 243 for a walk.
Got into the hut friday night and next morning set off to hunt an area of bush where i have had some luck in the past and hadn't left the track for long when i noticed a flash of brown up a head of me as well as a bit of antler, so a careful step to the right revealed his shoulder through a gap in the trees and the 100gr soft point did the job nicely.
Attachment 146020
It was very satisfying to shoot a deer with this rifle after so many years and after carrying the meat back to the hut i enjoyed a leisurely lunch and a few cups of tea.
Spent the afternoon gathering a bit of firewood for the hut and had a poke around in the bush near the hut and seen another hind at about 10 mtrs , she didn't know i was there for a few seconds the look of fright in her eyes before she bolted was priceless but my pack was going to be heavy enough without shooting another deer.
Headed off back to the ute next morning with a pack that was far to heavy but a good trip . cheers
PS I tried to put a few more photos up but having computer issues tonight .