Wasn't sure where to post this! An inauspicious start to my duck season. Bad shooting and bad luck left me with an empty bag on opening day, but I found a farm pond which held a few ducks, so went back this morning with high hopes. Nothing turned up. After sitting it out until lunchtime, I gave up and started the long trudge back to the car. In a strange turn of events, I spotted a peacock in a paddock. Thought why not! As I got closer, I spooked it and it started heading towards the bush. I went in to the bush at a right angle to the bird hoping our paths would cross. I had not moved far when I came across a small fat pig which was very preoccupied with feeding. Using a tree stump as a rest, I lined up on it's head and pulled the trigger. The hunting gods were not done with me. Instead of a bang and glory, I got a click. WTF! I've fired a couple of hundred rounds through my shotgun and it's never missed a beat, until now. No choice, but to manually empty the chamber and reload, a noisy process with a semi-auto. I looked up expecting the pig to be gone, but it was still there feeding away. BANG! #4 shot to the head and one stone dead little pig. Roast pork for dinner!