Only having one and a half days off out of my usual four these current ones due to working an extra night and working on xmas day for a mate I thought I'd better make the most of them. So went for a wander to my usual spot with the new single shot tikka, never presume the mag is where it should be
After the usual character building uphill bit it was time to pick a gulley and glass and it didn't take long to spot what I was after, a yearling. Now normally I'd sit and watch it for a while and take a photo or two but have been doing that far too much on recent trips as that's what I normally end up doing and not pulling the trigger. So I cut back to the last ridge and head down closer while looking for somewhere to shoot from which wasn't as easy as first thought.
Looking across to where the deer was just to the left of the smaller tree below the two bigger ones next to each other just off centre.
I had to use my pack sitting upright as a rest as I was just too low laying down. After getting comfortable I sent a 120gr BT from the 6.5 the 136m dropping it on the spot.
The single shot tikka and pack rest
A quick scoot down to the creek and leave my gear on a flat spot and up to retrieve the yearling and back down to my gear for a couple of photos and the butchering then back up then down to the hilux and home by 2115. A very enjoyable and productive evening had by all or perhaps just me and not the deer