Steve 338 and myself shot away on Friday for a couple of nights. The idea being to score some more meat for BBQ season. Just the condensed version - Basically the weather was crap for hunting deer in. Wind , Wind and more wind blowing from all points of the compass. In saying that we shot a deer each. Spotted, Observed / photographed another 16 odd. Once we had the venison hanging we put in a full day culling out goats. We had a big day which began at 4:30 am and stayed out all day. A fair bit of powder got burnt. I did learn a couple of things on this trip. My little Steve Wheeler custom knife is perfectly adequate for cutting up South Island red deer - no axe needed and once again a Plastic Tikka T3 latte gun with the right load and good glass levels anything at all sorts of ranges From cats at 40 yds to big game at 500 yds. Its the goods