Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I'll write it... I'll interview you. Well, we can go stay in a hut somewhere and hunt morning and evening. Spend the heat of the day and the cold of night with you regaling me with your yarns. I'll write a1st person book and you can edit it.
I reckon we'd have a finished product in about 7yrs time - Craig can bankroll the publishing.
"I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
Gets a little messy in heaven "
- Venbee
And we are immensely grateful of your jotting down Bruce. Long may it continue.
Great stories amongst this thread fellas. I'm almost a generation out from those early meat hunting days and used to listen to stories from a couple of uncles about the adventures. When I started, there was still a bit going on but I shot to feed myself & family, nothing spare to sell as the deer numbers hadn't recovered by then.
It would be cathartic for you to add all your jottings together . That would mean all your writing talent would see fruit . You could become the Resident Writer in the Haurangi's until the manuscript is finished. 2 chapters a week and the jobs done. You owe it to you whanau as well.