@mucko, @hunter270 and I met up with @sakokid at the chosen campsite for our weekend of hunting so a cup of tea/coffee and a quick chat then we hit the fartsack for a few hours of sleep. @hunter270, @sakokid and I were up well before the sparrows farted and they had only just farted when @mucko got up. Sakokid had already departed to begin his mission so a quick cup of coffee and stuffed a couple of buttered bread rolls down our gobs (mucko had his noodles) the three of us were off to begin what would be once again be the drastic demise of my foofoo valve.
Just as we entered the bush from the track first thing heard was the distinct barking of a hind but could not get a glimpse of it, so it was a slow and steady pace for our first descent into the creek bed. After hitting the creek we crossed over and began one of many uphill climbs on our way up @mucko heard a deer go trotting off at a steady pace before he could even get a chance to get sight of it. So a bit of sidling and a little while later we had a couple of hinds start barking their arses off at us so the mission was on to try and get these buggers in view to try and get one in our freezers and I was selected to lead the charge on this one only for them to go buggering off before we could get them into view which was a bit of a bugger after that and many creek crossings and uphill climbs we did not come across any other animals and somewhere in the pureoras on a sidling lays one missing foo foo valve with my name on it
A few pics of the trip