This spring I've been putting the hard yards in country which has low animal numbers and well a picture says a thousand words it looks like this bush stalking at its worst. Out Friday evening for a good four hrs abundance of signFrustrating
Tried a different approach yesterday afternoon hit the tops blitzed up in just over a hour (an effort I was more than happy with you can't beat time on the hill to get your fitness up) to hunt last light of the day weather forecast was for showers late in the day wind was gusting on the tops I figured I might get onto an animal heading out for an evening feed out of the wind.
Picked a likely looking area and what did I run into but a stag standing end on texas heart shot material once he got a nose full he wasn't going to give me anymore than a running shot
He was standing front and centre in this photo and moved left to right steep downhill into cover
Standing shot it was going to be I was prepared with one up the spout so flicked the safety off and gave him plenty of lead I would only have one chance at a running shot .... lead in the air but no connecting thump I barrelled over the side with the dog hoping for a chance at a follow up only to run into stinging nettle 400M later
Next time ...