Good story mate, thanks for sharing.
I get a bit of cramp from time to time too, it can be a bitch alright. I remember a quick after work hunt up dicks spur in the Kawekas one evening during the week with my good hunting mate Grunter.
We were at 1300m alt, very similar story to yours really, but he shot a sika yearling at 450 yards across a steep gully, not long before dark. We had to drop down a long steep scree slip into a creek and steep back up the other side, found the deer just as it got dark, then decided to not go back the way we came, but instead, kept climbing up that side and up to a track we knew was up there somewhere. Long story short, couldnt find the track in the dark, ended up climbing about 200m alt above it. We were seriously thinking about pulling out the emergency bags and waiting for day break, but had one last ditch effort and ended up finding the tracking and getting back home anout 2.30 in the morning, after getting bad cramp in my quads.
All good fun tho, and makes for good memories.