Was talking to Shaka during the week about a hunt, my weekend was pretty much full as I was going to the Superstock Teams Champs which run over two nights Friday and Saturday with my Oldman as well as fitting in Dad duties at home with my Daughter. So that only left Sunday for a hunt. I have just sold my main hunting rifle and waiting for Gunworks to finish the new one and going by the plans we had talked about I thought I would leave the 308 in the safe and use my 22-243 for shits and giggles. Anyway got home at midnight and up again at 4am we headed off got to where we wanted to be a had a quick glass just as it was breaking dawn, nothing popped its nose out so onto another look out. I spyed a stag miles away and we decide to go and have a look as he had just bedded down in the sun. 1/2 an hour later we were closing in but looking over to the ridge he was on we were to low to see him. Nek minute out walks a deer on another clearing followed by a couple more, shit wish I had bought the 308 now. We watched as the deer moved onto a spot we could have a crack at them, ranged them a little over two hundy yards. Dogs sorted ear plugs in and 3 2 1 bang bang all hell broke loose with deer running everywhere. My deer tumbled down and Shaka was sure his was too. Over on the clearing and surveying the damage we find mine upside down in the creek and searched around for the other but the shot went over the top so no Cigar. So the Rabbit gun scores another victim.