just thought i,d share a bit of my roar trips in my local area, kicked off late march in one of my favorite spots netted a 9 ptr roaring well, had real good condition on him, the summers been good to him, made for a heavy carry out up the back breaking ridge to the carpark, spent the next few days chasing the reds, finding while theres a good number of stags around they weren,t really fired up & therefore hard to get onto, northerly breezes didnt help, hard to work to + the warm temps make for lethargig activity in the daytime from the stags, I spent a day in the kawekas early april see if any sika were starting up, had a stag come to my roar early morn but got my wind, took off squealing!! damn!, off to another spot that evening heard a territory call & movement in the beech... along came a stag... well almost - a big spiker, well beggars can,t be choosers & sika venison is bloody great so a crack from the 270 had him on the ground.
A few Days later back in the ruahines chasing reds was the same as week before, though on the last nite a 9 pointer decided to come out & see what my roars meant, he soon found out when the 270 spoke![]()
Next was trying my luck with the sika later in april, camped in the kawekas I got onto an angry stag that went mental just before daylight smashing a kanuka bush & giving all sorts of squeals & grunts... but wouldn,t move from the tight spot he was in then went quiet when the sun hit his spot, the next day or so was quiet with most roaring action happening in the nightime, I decided to pack in to a hut which usually produces a bit more action, once i,d set up & dropped down to one of my fav spots, roared a stag up to 20 yds away, gave him a 130 gr ballistic tip for his efforts, only to trail him down into a steep shitty gully with heaps of bluffy outcrops! bloody bugger! hawk food now!
Next morning I tried another spot, the morning was crisp & cool, a single call wafted across the face to me, I sent my reply, movement at the bottom of the face revealed itself as a spiker feeding, not the source of the call, I gave a roar, which was replyed to & a rattle of shale there was the stag!... he stood front on & didn,t present a good shot, so waited for him to turn side on... which hed did... breifly as he bolted back to the scrub - must,ve sensed impending danger... the spiker was still feeding unaware, so since I have requests for sika venison the 270 spoke & down he went... a small antlered boy that wasn,t going to acheive trophy status - instead he,ll make steak status better![]()