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Thread: Roar tag along offer ...the story!

  1. #1
    Member deer243's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Roar tag along offer ...the story!

    Today was the day i offered a forum member a day hunt for a stag in my spot x and show them some pointers.
    A worthy good fellow was picked, 19 and still was waiting to shoot his first red deer.

    I picked him up extra early as its a DOC block wanted to make sure we were going to be there first. Arrived to a cold start, but fine day and started the walk in by headlamp.

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    Walk in was pretty uneventful , lots more over grown since i was here a year ago but the good news saw some big stag marks that i knew were heading to where
    we were going to start the Roar hunt proper.
    The weather was too good thou, perfectly fine and i do prefer overcast days for good roar action and it seemed to be the case.
    The bush was silent, not a moan or roar anywhere and no reply to ours on our travels.

    The young fellow was good, pretty fit and seemed to take it all in while i showed him the signs and told him the plans etc.

    When we arrived at the bottom of the terrance where theres always a stag i let out a couple of roars with the Graf caller but nothing.

    Still, i had faith as i knew from the signs that a good stag was here and he be up there somewhere so i told him we may still get
    some action and if we dont we just do some good old bush stalking and find him.

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    So of we climbed onto the terrance, keeping right for the wind and let out a roar or two when we arrived.
    Suddenly it was on, a reply about 100m up the ridge from the terrance....just knew there was going to be a stag here and i bet its a Big boy!

    Battle stations , got him in postion by a tree and let a couple of more roars go but straight away knew there was going to be a problem.
    The stag replyed ok but he had moved towards us but away from us at the same time, thats not good.

    First the wind was all over the place and i knew we had to move right quick to make sure he doesnt wind us so we were off.

    After getting well right the stag was silence, didnt reply to any of our roars and nothing.
    Considering he was moving away and now nothing i thought hes either smelt us or has a hind or 2 and getting out of here.
    Told the young fellow hes not coming, he maybe still up the ridge and we should go stalk him if he hasnt bugger off so of we go.

    Got a fair way up the ridge and no sign of him so i stopped for a roar.
    Put the rifle down and the young fellow was 30 yards to my right with eyes peeled and his 30/30 waiting for action.

    i roared and suddenly 70 yards away a very big stag appears and heading up the hill. He didnt have a great rack but he was a big boy.
    If i had hold of my rifle i prob could of shot him but i didnt and unforuately the young felllow only saw the top of his antlers and he was gone never to be seen again.

    Stag 1 Hunters 0

    Oh well, shit happens and we headed high to see if anymore action. Near the top we heard a distance roar then after another blast with the Caller another stag answered on the opposite
    ridge and was getting worked up.

    I knew straight away as the stag changed to a agro call he was coming in for a fight.
    Sure enough, the stag was very vocal and moved in quick and we waited for him to appear. Problem was there was a very steep gut between
    him and us and we wont see him until hes righton us.

    While we waited suddenly 30 -40 feet straight below us breaking branches as the stag was coming up but then disater as the wind swirled and he was gone.

    Stag 2 Hunters 0

    Crap, so close but another one missed . So we went over to the ridge he was on and headed down the open ridge to see what we can pick up.

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    As we got lower down i was just telling him heres a good place for a deer and keep your eyes peeled and then we both saw a hind .
    Busted us thou and even me couldnt take a shot in time and she was gone. (we decided after stag 2 that he may want shoot any red , his option)

    Not much happened on the way out, some marks but surprisely no other deer seen but we had one hail mary to go.

    Theres one very steep piece of bush on the way out that often has deer, esp a stag so i still had hope even thou the day was getting on.
    I gave out a roar (BIG HINT..roar often when they not!) and YES, another stag answered not far away and he was vocal.

    He looked like he was going to come in, very vocal and we were in a perfect shooting postion between 2 guts.
    Battle stations!

    The young guy set up lying down watching the other gut where the stag should appear and gave him so agro calls.
    Stag was going nuts, booming his aggresion around us and i could tell my new mate was getting excited.
    The stag came one gut closer and that was it, he wasnt going to move anymore after waiting him out for ages.

    Ok, plan b, when he roars we off, head straight thru the gut to the next ridge was the instrustions.
    when he stops, we stop, i roar and when he goes nuts again we off. The plan worked perfect, we soon go on the ridge opposite where he was but we couldnt see him.

    He was only 70 yards away but he wouldnt appear. So plan c came into action.
    The young Guy will slowly move forward, esp when he roars and i keep back and do the odd roar. He get within 50 yards and see if we get him.

    He got there ok but he couldnt see him and neither could i.

    So i headed a little down and moved forward and suddenly i saw him as plain as day about 60 yards away standing broadside on.
    He was a good stag, older, 8 pointer maybe with average headgear thou but reasonable in body size.
    I had him lined up, perfect rest, crosshairs on middle of shoulder, i couldnt miss but he was still standing still and i let the finger of the trigger to give kane
    every chance to see him so he can shoot his first red, and a good stag at that.

    i waited for what seemed ages, i knew the stag knew something was up, i nearly squeesed off but i waited some more as surely hes going to see him soon.
    Suddenly the stag turned his head, thought he was going to move so the finger was back on the trigge then BOOM!! Kanes 30/30 broke the silence.

    The stag went forward and disappeared but i thought you beauty, cant see him missing from that range, he should be down.

    Mmm.. when i asked him you hit it ok, he said hope so but i only saw its head when it moved and fired a high neck shot.
    Mmm.. oops, think you missed then, if you hit him in the neck or head hes not heading down the hill without dropping

    We headed over and sure enough, abit of buck fever set in, he had missed, no deer, no blood then we heard him do a half roar a couple of ridges over and heading away from us.

    Oh well, im sure after his nightmares for the next week or 3 lol on missiing he learnted a few good lessons and knowledge.
    Plus im should he had a great day and got some close up action on roaring stags and you cant beat that.

    Yes, i could of shot it , a few times over but sometimes you have to let them go for someone else to have a chance and he certain got one so was just abit unlucky.

    Anyway....had a great day, 9.5 hours on the hill....time for a beers

    Hot barrels
    Last edited by deer243; 26-03-2022 at 10:48 PM.
    gimp, Tahr, outdoorlad and 49 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Awesome yarn @deer243! My pulse quickened just reading this, can imagine Kane's heart was bloody near jumping out his chest!! Sounds like a bloody awesome day out. Good luck to Kane for his next outing - sounds like he's just received some good learning, and pretty well set up for success on his next trip out. I even learnt a few pro tips from the comfort of my couch!

    What a legend deer243, bloody awesome of you.
    deer243, Huk, Pixie Z and 1 others like this.
    bunji likes this.

  3. #3
    A shortish tall guy ROKTOY's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    That's a successful trip in my book.
    Especially for the young fella, deer seen, lessons learned and experience gained. Next trip out it'll be all on.
    Well done guys
    deer243, Sideshow and Mathias like this.

  4. #4
    Member kukuwai's Avatar
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    Tasman bay NZ
    I missed the first stag i fired at too.

    I was 16 at the time and can still remember how it felt but I will tell you this for free....

    I didn't miss the second one !!

    Don't be too hard on yourself young fella we have all done it, we all know the feeling. Keep at it your time will come

    Sounds like you guys had a pretty cool day tho.

    Top man @deer243

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    veitnamcam, tetawa, Pengy and 3 others like this.
    Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!

  5. #5
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good shit Jase.
    Cant beat stags roaring in the bush and it sounds like he got plenty of action.
    deer243 and Longrun like this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  6. #6
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    North Otago
    Great stuff
    When hunting think safety first

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Epic. Tough break for Kane, it happens.

  8. #8
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    bloody good effort getting on to that many animals....I saw a single fawn for my days effort...maybe I shouldve let out a roar or three myself.
    to the young fella...... first stag I fired at,I creased brisket...that was it. older brother neck shot it. 2nd stag,missed with first 2 shots at 50ish yards then actually took aim and dropped it...30/30 it was too.
    3rd stag,single round tipped it over
    as Forest Gump was known to say when put his running shoes in pile of doggie doos "shit happens" learn from it Mate,what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. your guide for the day isnt pissed off with you,far from it. you did the hard yards and got home safely,learnt a heap,you wont even realize how much you picked up without knowing it till you are in same circumstances again.....
    veitnamcam, Pengy, deer243 and 3 others like this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Action a plenty alright, top man for taking on the newbie, he won't forget that day that's for certain. I missed a few before the first fell so that's pretty normal, keep at it.

  10. #10
    A shortish tall guy ROKTOY's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    @Ftx325 Do we get to hear the young fellas version of events. You know, just to keep Deer243 honest...

  11. #11
    Member Ftx325's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    He's still beating himself up over it .
    He admitted he couldn't see the deer properly and basically shot at the 'movement' rather than the deer .
    He didn't want to admit it as that goes against everything I have taught him , but now he knows why he needs to be patient and not crack under pressure . He realizes he should have let deer 243 take the shot but poor bugger wants his deer so badly....
    Buck fever strikes again . But given time he'll get over it .
    Shame coz the lad can shoot no doubt .
    Has dropped everything else no problem many many times but for some reason a deer appears and shit turns to custard....
    He dropped this wee pig at around 160 mtrs while it was hightailing it away from us across a scrubby hillside with the 338 right in the engine room , a tricky shot for even a seasoned hunter

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    Give him a bit of time he'll come right.
    He has admitted his mistake which is the first step in the learning curve.
    That aside he enjoyed the day and thanks @deer243 profusely for the opportunity, as do I.
    born to hunt - forced to work

  12. #12
    Member Sako851's Avatar
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    Gore District
    Good stuff big day in the hills !

  13. #13
    Member thatguy's Avatar
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    Land of the Auck
    Riveting story mate! Sounds like a awesome, action packed day! Good on ya

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Not to worry mate I missed my first 3 deer spread over 2 and a half years before I finally cracked the duck the old buck fever must of got me bad .
    Thanks Deer 243 for taking the time to show other people the ropes . I get a lot more excited seeing someone else’s shoot their first deer or frost roaring Stag then if I was shooting it.
    Micky Duck and Pixie Z like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Back in the Manawatu
    That was a very good story mate, well written and some good lessons for the young fella
    Micky Duck likes this.



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