Pool walking is and has always helped me get fitter for the hills as it seems to use the same core muscles. I try to do 40-lengths (25m pool so 1km) 3 to 4 times a week and try to get out for an afternoon goat hunt each week. I'm 58 and find the hills are getting a bit flatter because of the pool! Mind you; still have another 10-15kgs that need shifting. I try to do 10-lengths walking/jogging up and back, 10 up and walk/jog back backwards, 10 backwards both ways, and 10 sideways up and back.
Running backwards helps your balance and seems to work the same muscles as walking uphill. Well those are the muscles you feel it in! The benefit of the pool walking when you're older is that the water doesn't put pressure on your body. Plus you can make it harder or easier by changing your speed or putting your hands in the water and make your hands into a paddle shape and drag your arms through the water too. Sounds silly; but by doing that with your hands you are giving your arms 30-minutes or so of light weight training as you hold them in position under the water when walking.
The other thing I was doing before I broke my ankle was walking my 100m paddock/track 10x a day. I have 2 20-litre drench containers full of water at one end and stop and lift them for about 15-sec each lap. It takes about 10-15 mins and you walk 1km and lift 400kgs. It doesn't seem like exercise because you're talking to the animals and looking at the fruit trees etc. I've found the pool has been the best while rehabbing my ankle; but I enjoy the walking track to and it's $4 cheaper
I've found that the continuous regular medium exertion regime works well for me. But everyone has different ways to achieve their goal![]()