Greetings @Northkiwi,
Thanks for your kind words. May I humbly suggest that you set your sights a bit higher than 65. A cobber and I had flown in to Venison Top Hut when I was about your age. We were going to walk out via Ballard and Makino Huts. We were sitting around drinking cups of tea and feeling pretty pleased with ourselves when an old chap arrived. He had been dropped into Back Ridge Bivvy or Hut the previous day and had walked down to Rocks Ahead Hut and up to VT. This is a bloody long way. After a cup of tea and a chat he was off heading for Mangaturutu Hut and was due out at Clements Road in a couple of days. He was 75. We were gob smacked. I often think of him when the body is having an off day as I now approach his age.
Regards Grandpamac.