Amen to that.Great effort Bumblefoot - the zero sugar + low carbs + stop snacking + exercise has worked for me too. Heaviest I ever got to 106 KG around 20 years ago. now at 59 I am hover around 82/84 kg now way fitter and climbing up hills is no longer the trial it once was. Quite happy capable to go up hills these days when out for a run - living in a city and with a desk job my exercise is walking and running mainly but I also have a Bosu ball at home on which I do balance exercises i.e. standing on one foot while doing light weights, squats, touching toes while on one foot etc. I am with Grandpamac as I see no reason why I can't be getting out in the hills when I am well into my 70's. The Bosu is amazing with regard to maintaining balance, knee strength, flexibility - when I frst got on it on two feet I could barely stay there for a few seconds, now one foot for minutes at a time while doing a few curls with weights, muscle memory is a real thing it seems.
I reckon as we age the time spent looking after our bodies by getting weight down combined with exercise is a bit like superannuation savings. No good getting to the point of retiring and not being able to get out into the bush or go diving etc.
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Regards Grandpamac.