well had a twilight hunt turn into an after dark search for wounded deer,which I found and finished off in torchlight,I found it where the guy with modcon thermal couldnt....then out with new knife for quick poohs n wees removal,whacked into three manageable lumps,back wheels in one and front wheel and side meat in the other two.heart into back pack,I had first carry of back wheels,the uphil bit,then swap around,down hill to track,next swap around,one more saw me finish carry with the big load again...couple of points...at 50 I was youngest....a deer is hell of a lot easier to carry with three people than just on my pat malone....
BBQ lunch today with a quiet bevy while I got back on knife and cut up meat to divy it up amoung all the members of the party.my body is tired but the soul has been refreshed.
life is good
growing old sucks,but the alternative isnt that attractive.