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Thread: Russia adventure (Image heavy)

  1. #1
    Pull, Bang, F$#K!!!! Bulltahr's Avatar
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    Russia adventure (Image heavy)

    Well, since I had a few days spare, a good client decided to take me out for a hunt, Moose, Bear, wolf and pig were on the cards, at the end of it I shot nothing but a pair of snipe, but the whole experience was very interesting to say the least. 1000kms NE of Moscow, took us 10 hrs to get there which is pretty good going considering the state of the roads. Camp was a ok house in a ghost town like village which although they all look abandoned there are people actually living in the houses. No cars, they just walk around the place with nothing to do but drink vodka all day.

    "Zombie village" .
    And there are thousands of them all over Russia.
    During the day we check clearings with grain houses on them for sign and found some seriously large pig marks. 500 kg is considered a good pig, no mis-key there, 500 kg!
    Our local guide Sergei would scoop grain out of the small leanto with is cap and spread the graon around the area. When I asked him why he didn’t use a bucket, there was a pregnant pause and then the reply “Russian tradition”.
    Transport was these funky looking combi things, don’t be fooled tho, they will get you a lot further than a Hilux ever will, especially the newer ones.
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    This one we buried to the transfer case ( the only reason it stopped moving forward). They are built like a tank and there is just zero flex at all in them, incredible off road vehicles!
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    Sergei the Head zombie and local hunting guide.
    We did a couple of “drives” for moose, setting up in clear areas between patches of forest, of course the moose always went the wrong way. Then at night we would switch out the scopes for night vision ones and would rug up and sit over the grain spread about during the day. I did see pigs and moose at night , but we never did get onto any big boars.
    Breakfast was typically eggs and some type of meat, all washed down with tea and whiskey shots, not too bad, but became a struggle after a big night on the grappa and anything else that they could find. I spent most of the trip considerably fuzzy, each day just topping up a bit more from the night before. Disclaimer: Drunkenness only occurred in the evenings after guns put away............

    Local supermarket: ˝ the shelves were full of vodka.
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    After several days we headed back to Moscow, arriving just in time to clean up and dig out a tie I always carry just in case and headed to the French Embassy for a “degustation du vin” with some friends.

    Next day we went to Fox lodge shooting complex and shot some very nice compak fields and had a very nice lunch at this awesome place. The shotgun side of the operation alone was running more than 300 machines. All stands had targets from A to I , amazing.

    A few days to go and I will be home hopefully to some warmer weather.

    Pointing anything and everything.....Name:  IMAG0251 (Copy).jpg
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    SnipeName:  IMAG0261 (Copy).jpg
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    250 kg boar hoofName:  IMAG0266 (Copy).jpg
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    Waiting for mooseName:  IMAG0275 (Copy).jpg
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    Sorry about images out of sequence, bloody auto-save!
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    veitnamcam, Pointer and R93 like this.
    Machete don't text!
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  2. #2
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Great experience. How was the liver after all that rocket fuel (Grappa) BT?
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  3. #3
    Pull, Bang, F$#K!!!! Bulltahr's Avatar
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    That Grappa is heavy going, your right about rocket fuel, I reckon they use it as paint stripper.................
    Machete don't text!
    (.)(.) = :-)))

  4. #4
    R93 is offline
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    You Gunslut! Whats that fithy poofrazzi case doing in your hands? I hope you were using it to remove the stuck combi or as a seat for your outdoor privi. I know, ya put an F3 in it so no one would steal it
    Looks like a cool trip BT. Those snipe are fast eh? I like your taste in company, especially blondes.
    Last edited by R93; 25-10-2012 at 08:53 AM.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  5. #5
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Looks like a very different sort of place. My brother was in Moscow a few years back and reckoned there were tanks for sale at the local market.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Looks a crazy place.

  7. #7
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    Wow, a different world to this part. Don't know what to think really. Going to think about it.
    Good to get those reminders about "not so green on the other side" ah.
    Thousands of Zombie villages all ove Russia. Far out, what a mess.
    Your rifle? Bolts on the right side.
    Enjoyed the write up mista, got any more pix.

  8. #8
    Tim is offline
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    Nice work BT, looks like a barrel of monkeys
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  9. #9
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Must admit it is one of very few places in the world I'd like to go. Thanks BT.

  10. #10
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    I loved Russia when I was there, going back in six months. That place is fascinating.

  11. #11
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    Ha ha ha that whole rant/insult/prop up was just you angling in on the blondy,I still have much to learnbuy the way Bt that would have been amazing mate

  12. #12
    Pull, Bang, F$#K!!!! Bulltahr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    You Gunslut! Whats that fithy poofrazzi case doing in your hands? I hope you were using it to remove the stuck combi or as a seat for your outdoor privi. I know, ya put an F3 in it so no one would steal it
    Looks like a cool trip BT. Those snipe are fast eh? I like your taste in company, especially blondes.
    Ahahahahahah yeah I know, I know, but it was either the perazzi or a Beretta and I am not interested in one of those POS!
    THe snipe held real tight and I had to let them get bout a bit so I didn't blow them apart. Note to self: When the Zombie apocalyse comes sparrows will probably taste a bit like the Snipe, there's a feed in them if you try hard enough!
    Smoking hot ones are a dime a dozen over here, I get sick of looking (well not quite!), I think that one was a rental...........
    Only got a few nights left in Moscow, so hope to have some more stories before I leave, I haven't even mentioned the private room in the largest bodega/humidor in Europe yet..........................
    Machete don't text!
    (.)(.) = :-)))

  13. #13
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Awesome trip, must go back again one day! Humidor pics please

  14. #14
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    Awesome trip, must go back again one day! Humidor pics please
    Yep +1 on that.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  15. #15
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    I worked in CIS in 1994 in the Caspian Sea oil fields, spent 7 months there, Had the time of my life, it was just after the wall came down. Company I worked for chartered a chopper for $1000 month all up, included a crew of 5 and we were allowed to use it "afterhours" for tiki touring.
    Best mate is a Russian living in Moscow.



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