I had a plan to go to a new spot on my first day off, so when i woke at 1pm after a night shift i was feeling upto the task and headed out about 3.30.
Arriving at the area around 4.30 i woke my way through some fairly average forestry and a lot of scrub.
I found some great looking areas for deer and pigs but never laid eyes on any.
At 8pm i was walking along the river edge with the dog gently pulling on the lead i knew something was close by when all of a sudden i hear a splashing in the river.
I dropped the leed and stood on it so Sarge didnt try to chase it or anything bad like that, not that he has before!, then i finally get a glimpse of a young hind trying to get back out of the river on the other side, she had been in the river feeding on some of the grasses and cress along the side.
The rest is history really it was a nice one shot kill and a quick trip back to the ute.