Hi guys, after Sika in the Kawekas again, left Auckland Tuesday after work, got there around midnight and hit the hut at Makahu saddle..
awesome weather for the entire time we were there, first roar I have never got wet, no roars heard first day for a lot of ground covered..
Second day and heard a roar near the car park, so it was decision made on the spot, he was very vocal and stayed for a long time but did not come up to investigate, next day, which was to be our last as we knew the weather would turn on the Saturday, I went in first thing in the morning.....nothing, not even a squeek so I waited till about an hour before sunset and went in again.....
This time he responded, I was on a game trail and found a decent 'kill zone' to sit it out and wait for him, now I've never dropped a Sika, I've read a shit load of great advice on here on how to hunt them and their cunning tricks......They sneak around the back of you, grey ghosts, ect.....
So I'm sitting there, one in the spout, safety off, all my senses on full alert......waiting.......waiting and........MEEUWWWWW........right behind me, sounded like he shouted in my ear, I nearly jumped out of my fukn skin......nearly shit myself.......and off he went screaming into the distance....I actually smiled and said we'll done lad, you've got it sussed......
Didn't take as many photos as I thought I did, beautiful place.......