After a long wait for my new bush pig in 300BLK some basic subsonic load development it was time to hit the hills. Seen a few deer but too far for this gun. The grate thing about this gun is that I can bomb up every goat on my way to my deer not and not spooking all the animals in the valley. After a days walk in we finally made our way to base camp and make a brew and head back down the hill for more water and a evening hunt. Mans best friend winded deer and ninja stealth mode we go, 150m later the down below us 40m was a hind, fawn and a yearling so the yearly got it right between the eyes. Dressed her out and down the hill for some water. On the way back up to camp spotted 3 more on a bluff and shot 4 more goats just before dark.
Form sunset to sunrise we heard stags roaring. Next day we had a sleep in waited for the sun to get up first and had a few brews and some breakfast then check out some the places that the stags were roaring from. Spooked 4 lots of deer and two stags and a mob of pigs shot 15. At the end of the we got some more water and head up to camp and cooked some tea have a brew and off for ninja around a couple of clearings, got to the first one and the dog was winding like mad on a hot sent and 10 more steps and there way a yearling hind looking right at me, snap shot and she did a cartwheel over dead before she hit the ground.
All and all it was a good trip in the mountains, the dog at 18 months old is going awesome and the gun and calibre is just the business for bush work in the right hands and had taken more supplies in for the roar next week.
one of 30 goats taken with subsonic Berger 230gr and Lehigh 194gr ME.
The Bush Pig 300 Blackout now called the ( 300 Wipeout )
ODL AR10 can
Aimpoint red dot
Hardy Engineering 12" 1/7 barrel
Half bolt
Another head shot deer in the bag
Fast action sight
Base camp
Sneaky feet and camp shoes
Havalon Paranta knives are one of the quickest skinning/boning knives out there and this is coming for a ex butcher.
All deer found thanks the hound dog "Sig" name after the guns Sig Sauer