You get an easy one...
Having finished my annualised hours at work a couple of weeks ago and have a lazy week at home it was time to head up to Blenheim to see Mum for a week.
Anyhow today I decided to go for a wander and not 10min from the hilux I round a corner in the creek look up and see a stag cruising along. So action was taken! I knelt down taking my pack off sorting a rest in front of me whip the scope cover off get a rest load,line up on the front of his neck as he's facing me at this stage looking to his left and proceed to drop him like a sack of spuds with an 87gr hpbt. Man that was too easy I thought. I still get amazed at how a big animal can drop so fast with a shit like that,it always impresses me.
Now he's down I've got time to range the distance lol 166yrds. Apon getting up to him there's still a wee bit of movement so another to the back of the head sorts that out.
After a few photos it was on with the butchering which I took my time with taking all the wheels and back steaks plus eye fillets. Since it wasn't far to the hilux I left the leg bones in which in hind sight I should have boned them out their as I got fuck all in my pack after I squeezed both back legs in lol so ended up carrying the shoulder in each hand.
Back to the hilux by 11:20 and back to mums by 12:40 then I proceeded to take her fridge over.
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