10 Attachment(s)
Spencer's First Multi Night Public Land Hunt
It has been on the cards for quite some time and finally the weather gods and other commitments let the stars align. Eight year old Spence and I were finally off on our first multi night public land adventure.
Kid was just about more excited than Christmas when he woke up and saw his pack and gear on the lounge floor, fair to say he had been waiting a while for this.
An hour and a half or so into strolling up the stream bed the dog gave her third indication for the trip. This one was different to the others meaning it was close. Not one who likes a detour when they're on a mission to get somewhere but one should mostly always trust a dog or some such thing. Turns out she was right and 50 metres into the bush later I saw a head bobbing up and down trying to figure out what was happening. 20 metre shot but no time to find a rest for Spence.
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The rest of the walk was completed followed by bangers and mash for dinner.
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Following morning saw us meandering up a side stream hoping to catch a deer out. Wind wasn't playing ball so the dog couldn't work her magic so we changed tack.
Setting up on a lookout spot we waited. A couple of hinds popped out but no shots were fired. A short while later a stag emerged. Action stations and Spence worked his magic.
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Thirsty work....
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Back to camp in daylight and I found evidence that NIMROD may have been lurking.
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We cooked some essentials....
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Spence has been watching too much of the Alone tv series and was adamant that he could find food in the bush. Supplejack shoots and deer heart were on the menu.
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Evening hunt time.
We bush hunted our way towards a nice little clearing for a couple of hours to no avail. I timed it so we would come out on the clearing just before dark. Worked well and as soon as we poked our heads out we spotted a couple of animals. Big hind and a yearling. Trying to get a bead on the yearling and another young hind came into view a lot closer.
Spence behind the .243 again doing the damage.
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Heading back to camp we done our deed for conservation and a caught and dispatched a couple of possums.
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And that's a wrap. First decent hunting trip for the young lad and hopefully one he remembers. He done well! Not easy country to get around for short legs.
I made a bit of a video of the hunt too, first one for many years.