If you powder coat your cast bullets you will get no leading
If you powder coat your cast bullets you will get no leading
A related question...
How do you know when you get leading? Is it easy to see down the bore (like carbon) or at the muzzle (like copper)?
Was using 17grs of AR2207 @The bomb
Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.
I just use Hoppes No9 solvent and occasionally JB Paste, My .357 mag S&W 586 has had over 70.000 cast bullets through it and has never had a bronze brush down the barrel,
only ever cleaned it with No 9 and patches,Reasons your barrel fouls 1 it has copper fouling, it rips lead from bullet, 2 twist is too fast over spins the bullet, rips lead from the bullet, 3 Velocity is too high same as no 2
As in the black powder days want/need more power go to bigger diameter heavier bullet, The 50 cal BP with 500 grain cast bullets and around 100 grains of powder will kill any animal on the planet.
Took the 18” Tikka T3 out today for a subsonics run. In all honesty I prefer shooting the Browning BLR, simply for the silly cowboy factor. But seriously, with a DPT suppressor this rig is deadly with subs. I can shoot 3 or 4 goats, and turn around and go 250m over there for the next bunch that haven’t been spooked by full-power ammo.
It was a day of two halves. Goats immediately, then nothing for 5 hours, then goats at the end of the day. Stalked into a big fat red spiker, handsome animal, bang on deer o’clock on the walk out. I know a story is automatically “tall” without photos, but oh well at least I was there. I had him lined up and ready to go but just wasn’t happy with the amount of spindly manuka I had to shoot through. All of 30 yards. Suddenly he spooked in a massive rush of fright... and I was kinda glad. Weird how you put so much effort into something, then change your mind at the last moment.
No changing the mind when it comes to the goaty pestilence...