I like your style. I keep the colder months generally for hunting and the summer for spearfishing. Both types of hunting keep you reasonably fit and fed well.
I like your style. I keep the colder months generally for hunting and the summer for spearfishing. Both types of hunting keep you reasonably fit and fed well.
Thanks for the confirmation. Thought that might have been a butter fish when you were spearing. Knew they were a popular target but had not seen them.
Good results,venison and fish.Bet the supermarket stuff any day.Look after those knees mate,bloody dare to replace.
Fantastic harvesting alright! I used to catch butterfish on a rod and line in the Chathams afew years ago dead low tide in rock channels amongst the kelp a good challenge. Keep up the good work thanks for posting.
Good job mate. The ACL injury is a complete bastard and you’ve done well to recover and get back out there. It’s an injury that has finished off a lot of guys and can be very tough on the mental health, something I’m helping my neighbour with right now after he ruptured his ACL a couple of years ago. And then two months ago fell off his farm bike and ruptured his Achilles.... not good.
I would love to get a look at the venison sausage recipe if you don’t mind sharing, will PM you. They look bloody good.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.