We had a rostered day off so we piled in to work wagon and escape from razor wired compound bound for National park.
After a bone jarring 4 hour drive thru the Tanzanian countryside on some of the worst roads you could come up with and using our trusty phone map we arrived.
Some of you might recognise my Partner of crime Tahi breeder and trainer of fine Labs and site sparky over here .
Yes Jackson that big thing is getting closer
Hippos in mass
quick off the mark
We had a good look around for about 6hrs as time was against us so no big cats spotted.
wrong season as grass everywhere .
amazing place and if you had a few days you would have a ball early morning and in the evening as animals go into hunting mode.
Hardcase the looks we got from tourists in there safari wagons as we zoomed past in Hilux with flashing light and flag trying to see as much as we could in the limited time on our day off.
Cheers 6 days to go then home to New Zealand this break with a 7 day fly in trip booked and as many day hunts I can sneak in past the wife in kiamai