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Thread: Te U Biv and back

  1. #1
    Member Roy Lehndorf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Te U Biv and back

    me and a mate went for a 4 day adventure up in the Ureweras, walked in Friday & out Monday Arvo. Nice country to hunt in some really nice creaks and terraces but boy if you struck it wrong it sure turned to crap quickly . Restored my faith in me fitness and ability to walk a long way / day.

    The walk in took 5 and a half hours with a 45min stop to dress out the hind Dylan shot in the creak bed, we made it to Te U biv (a nice hut) just on dark Friday night.

    Name:  2 - Young Hind.jpg
Views: 920
Size:  698.5 KB
    On the Board !

    Name:  12 - Te U Biv.jpg
Views: 904
Size:  492.5 KB
    Te U Biv

    Saturday woke to rain which just got heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier – to say we where wet would have been and understatement, we left a dawn and got back to the hut wet to the core around 2.30pm – no deer , lit the fire and had a feed, followed by a nanna nap for a few hours while we dried out, the evening hunt drew nothing, but we finished a grim day with a stunning meal of mash spud, surprise peas, onions, gravy and venison back steaks………yummmmayyyyyyyyyyyy

    Name:  7 - Deer sign all over.jpg
Views: 849
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    Name:  5 - Dinner for Kings.jpg
Views: 793
Size:  433.3 KB

    Dinner for kings

    Sunday was a fine day up again at dawn and we dropped over a saddle into a wonderful valley of stunning bush, we found a very old Biv that had at one point been a great place to stay but was now ruined and past its used by date, we saw a couple of deer but didn’t manage a shot , spending the whole day in the valley we got back to the Biv at about 6pm – cleaned up and took off down the creak to the main river forks to stay the night under the fly and hunt the flats that evening and in the morning, we made good time and hit the forks in just over and hour and a half, arrive on “prime time” – plenty of sign but no deer. We set the fly had a feed and hit the pit.

    Name:  8 - Old Biv.jpg
Views: 821
Size:  619.3 KB
    - old Biv
    Name:  9 - random Cream can.jpg
Views: 770
Size:  634.2 KB
    - random cream can

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    Name:  13 - Sunday Fly camp.jpg
Views: 784
Size:  444.8 KB

    Waking to another stunning day a quick hunt up some side creaks at dawn drew a blank so we packed up and started walking down river hunting along the way. Scooting up a side creak we came across a nice little terrace of grass and whatta ya know – bingo ! A deer feeding away unaware he was coming home in our packs – I put the .243 to work and dropped him with a clean shot to the base of his head/neck he dropped like a sack of spuds – we rolled him over to find he was a young 6 pointer that has just started stripping his velvet, with the bush butchery done & splitting the meat, our packs just got another 10kgs heavier. a few hours later we where up and over the main ridge and out of the valley at the pick up point with half an hour to spare, and time for a swim in the river .

    Name:  15 - Happy Chap.jpg
Views: 835
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    Name:  17 - last Hour to home.jpg
Views: 809
Size:  791.3 KB

    Good feeling to be out safe and in once piece, I put the pack on the scales when I got home and surprised it came in at just over 30kgs – My Pack started the trip at 14kgs for the four days – I guess when you add the meat of a couple of deer it soon adds up ! The body was a bit sore but given we spent around 12 +hours walking around the bush for the past few days I must be doing something right at the gym 

    Enjoyable few days – Roll on the Roar 2014 !!!!
    Work Just Gets In The Way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Lehndorf View Post
    me and a mate went for a 4 day adventure up in the Ureweras, walked in Friday & out Monday Arvo. Nice country to hunt in some really nice creaks and terraces but boy if you struck it wrong it sure turned to crap quickly . Restored my faith in me fitness and ability to walk a long way / day.

    The walk in took 5 and a half hours with a 45min stop to dress out the hind Dylan shot in the creak bed, we made it to Te U biv (a nice hut) just on dark Friday night.

    Attachment 21280
    On the Board !

    Attachment 21279
    Te U Biv

    Saturday woke to rain which just got heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier – to say we where wet would have been and understatement, we left a dawn and got back to the hut wet to the core around 2.30pm – no deer , lit the fire and had a feed, followed by a nanna nap for a few hours while we dried out, the evening hunt drew nothing, but we finished a grim day with a stunning meal of mash spud, surprise peas, onions, gravy and venison back steaks………yummmmayyyyyyyyyyyy

    Attachment 21281

    Attachment 21282

    Dinner for kings

    Sunday was a fine day up again at dawn and we dropped over a saddle into a wonderful valley of stunning bush, we found a very old Biv that had at one point been a great place to stay but was now ruined and past its used by date, we saw a couple of deer but didn’t manage a shot , spending the whole day in the valley we got back to the Biv at about 6pm – cleaned up and took off down the creak to the main river forks to stay the night under the fly and hunt the flats that evening and in the morning, we made good time and hit the forks in just over and hour and a half, arrive on “prime time” – plenty of sign but no deer. We set the fly had a feed and hit the pit.

    Attachment 21283
    - old Biv
    Attachment 21284
    - random cream can

    Attachment 21285

    Attachment 21286

    Waking to another stunning day a quick hunt up some side creaks at dawn drew a blank so we packed up and started walking down river hunting along the way. Scooting up a side creak we came across a nice little terrace of grass and whatta ya know – bingo ! A deer feeding away unaware he was coming home in our packs – I put the .243 to work and dropped him with a clean shot to the base of his head/neck he dropped like a sack of spuds – we rolled him over to find he was a young 6 pointer that has just started stripping his velvet, with the bush butchery done & splitting the meat, our packs just got another 10kgs heavier. a few hours later we where up and over the main ridge and out of the valley at the pick up point with half an hour to spare, and time for a swim in the river .

    Attachment 21287

    Attachment 21288

    Good feeling to be out safe and in once piece, I put the pack on the scales when I got home and surprised it came in at just over 30kgs – My Pack started the trip at 14kgs for the four days – I guess when you add the meat of a couple of deer it soon adds up ! The body was a bit sore but given we spent around 12 +hours walking around the bush for the past few days I must be doing something right at the gym 

    Enjoyable few days – Roll on the Roar 2014 !!!!
    Great write up Roy!

    Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  3. #3
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    South Canterbury
    Fantastic. Good effort and good shooting!

  4. #4
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Excellent !:thumbup:
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  5. #5
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Mint, nice country and looks like a good trip
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  6. #6
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay
    Nice write up. Man the Ureweras are lush. Nice country, should go back for a look one day.

  7. #7
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Want go Roy. Good trip and great country.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  8. #8
    TJM is offline
    Member TJM's Avatar
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    Good effort, great pics,,, looks pretty lush in places

  9. #9
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Deep South
    Awesome. Good to see a report with some dead game animals and a bit of old school hard graft. Well done

  10. #10
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Nice of them to mow the lawns before you got to the hut

  11. #11
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan F View Post
    Awesome. Good to see a report with some dead game animals and a bit of old school hard graft. Well done
    +1 my thoughts exactly....well done guys
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  12. #12
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Central NI
    Thanks for sharing, Te mighty Ureweras.
    I've been wandering aimlessly in those areas for years now. Loverly!

    Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    Dan M

  13. #13
    Member Nathan F's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouser View Post
    +1 my thoughts exactly....well done guys
    Yes quite refreshing instead of 4 or 5 pages of dribble where nothings been seen let alone shot

  14. #14
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Beautiful country. Not for the faint hearted.

  15. #15
    Member johnino's Avatar
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