Went for a quick overnighter into doc land in the ruatiti area over the weekend. Up at 4:00am and got to the start of the track on first light after the obligatory stop at tamas McDonald's for a feed and a coffee. After an hours of walking to my first lookout point I instantly spotted a couple of red hinds 215m away so waiting until she turned broadside she got one behind the shoulder and the norma.308 pill polaxed her. Good start to the trip. Carried on another 20 minutes to camp after butchering her , setup and had another feed then onto the next spot about another hour further on bouncing another hind along the track on the way. Went on a bit of a recce at the next spot to try get to some clearings I've been eyeing up on google earth but after a couple of hours bashing through the scrub I spotted them still a bit further than I thought so turned around and headed back to where I normally hunt bumping into 3 little pigs which came into within 5m of us before gapping it. Got to my spot back in the open and spot a fallow spiker eyeballing me 50m away in the creek so quickly chamber a round but he bolts into the scrub but I knew he didn't go far so waited and spot his head and neck 50m further up the bank so whack one in the base of his neck dropping him on the spot. The butchering begins again and with a heavy pack start heading the hour back to camp. Arriving just before camp to a big clearing a couple of minutes before dark sit down and a big boar suddenly crests the hill I'm sitting on so one of the boys quickly puts one in his shoulder 10m away! A trifecta! A red, fallow and pig in 1 day all on doc land. A few well earned beers went down that night around the fire. Next morning got up at 8 and went for a quick look around seeing a couple more hinds but left them be knowing the packs were super loaded already. Got back to the truck around 2:00 absolutely stuffed with 8 legs, 4 back steaks and the boar and chucked him on the farmers scales weighing him in at 126 pounds. Interesting thing I found over the weekend was ALL the deer we seen were bang on to the times the gps was saying the best times were. And they weren't first and last light. Anyone else come across this? Few pics that I took