Hay guys
5 of us went into tussock hut in the Kaweka's The famous Harkness valley ( so im told )
There was a vast experience with as us one of the guys was 72 and another 65 (ish) with years and years of hunting and us others 3 may as well been newbys.
We had Chris take us in 11 in total split into two groups Tussuck Hut and the other 6 went to Ngaawapurua Hut
But we took this one
Wasn't really taking pic's to write up a nice report but here is a few that i took
We found a few the coppers beat us to
We got up at 3:30 ( partly due to my pinched nerve not allowing me to sleep)
It got cold
But at least we where out there trying at the right times
We ended up seeing / spooking 4
Didn't end up with any but had a fantastic time all the same.
The other group had about the same luck, They watched a spiker in a creek head for a bit but couldn't get a shoot.
They ended up with 3 trout
Definitely heading back in there just wait a month or two