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Thread: Waitangi Weekend Success

  1. #1
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Nelson, New Zealand

    Waitangi Weekend Success

    Just got a PM prodding me for a trip report from the weekend walkies

    So……….. 13 months ago I got a PM from a member on here asking if I wanted to come for a walk and have a look for a deer. Now I pretty much gave up hunting when I was 22 as life went in another direction and although I still was involved with the shooting sports , hunting was not one of them.
    Well long story short it was a good excuse to buy a new gun however I also discovered some of my other hunting gear had shrunk whilst it was away in storage and although I am shape (round is a shape you know) it’s not necessarily the best shape for a hunter.

    Anyway after a 3 of trips out with Cam one successful (Cam got a deer) and 2 not so much and the Forum hunt I was still looking for that elusive deer No2. The last deer I shot (which was in fact the only deer I have shot) was when I was 20 on Mt Somers and I am somewhat older than that now.
    Anyway I bumped into a mate who had been trying to t up a trip to take me out for nearly 12 months after I took him fishing. So a plan was finally hatched for a Day hunt and then a bit of a “waving round the artificial moon” to follow and home Sat. The only stipulation was I had to bring my dog as he usually hunts with one but unfortunately is currently “between dogs”.

    I nervously agreed but not really sure how she would go given I am not a dog trainers left testicle and she had never seen a deer ever.
    Well we got on site by lunchtime Friday and then off for a quick recce round the property. Morning was spent hunting the faces along one area of the property with no luck apart from some hoof prints and deer smell at one point (dog got very pointy about here) but we could not catch up with them.
    We relocated via 4x4 to the other side of the property and kept looking everywhere but apart from a dozen or so goats still never managed to see anything resembling a deer.
    Very pleasant though sitting there
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    Best mates
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    After stopping for a bite we relocated to the last area before going back to the hut for a bite to eat and then out with the spotlight.
    After ¾ of an hour we were sneaking up the head of a basin and the place looked like a good spot for a deer. Awe were stopping every 50 yards or so to scan for sign. Then my mate hissed “deer; and standing out here I had just looked was a deer watching the dog.
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    Looked for a rest, while my mate said “yearling, can still see faded spots “ I could not use a Bipod as angle was too steep so I lined up sitting with elbows on knees, Mate called range at 150 yards and I fired. Deer dropped, bugger me. Dog looked to where it dropped but waited till we moved before working its way up to it. Although se was a little unsure at the last meter or so of what it was.
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    I somehow managed a neck shot, (I could say this was where I aimed) but I would be lying. Never practiced shooting off my elbows and I had a bad case of the “wobbles” too.
    After photos
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    Anyway nice 2km downhill drag had the deer on the truck and back to the ht for food. 2 other deer were spotted with the light but one hind was in an awkward spot to recover and we could not be sure she didn’t have a fawn . The other was a Fallow which didn’t wait round for us to get organized.

    Next day (today) was round to my mates for a processing lesson
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    All in all I had a great time and hopefully will get another invite.
    Dog worked really well and will be coming more often too as it really adds another dimension to hunting.

    Really I owe a big vote of thanks to the forum and most especially VC and Kiwi Greg for helping rekindle my interest in hunting and especially to my mate (who wishes to remain anonymous but since he is a builder I'll call him Bob) for his help this weekend.
    puku, outdoorlad, Kscott and 24 others like this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Awesome story, and good on you for getting out and about!
    Great having a dog. Im about to return home after 5 years working overseas and hope to get a pup soon. Been 14 years since my last one and reading your story I can't wait to go hunting with a dog again.
    Top effort!
    mrs dundee and Boulderman like this.

  3. #3
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Well done Mikee
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  4. #4
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    Nice work Mikee . Cool photos of your dog , looks like it's got it going on
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  5. #5
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Brilliant Mikee, congrats and well done....this is the reason i joined the forum....it rocks!!!!!!!
    Boulderman likes this.
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  6. #6
    Member sako75's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Nice one Mikee, well done. You sure as hell picked those bones clean mate.

  8. #8
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veitnamcam View Post
    Well done Mikee
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  9. #9
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Great report,well done Mikee
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  10. #10
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Well done Mikee! You didn't leave much on the carcass for the dog to chew on.
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  11. #11
    Addicted puku's Avatar
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    Nice job @mikee.
    What brand of dog is it? Definitely a pointer looking at her nose, in the first photos it looks to be built like a brick out house.
    Almost Doberman like
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  12. #12
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    mate that is awesome, dont mater how they go down the freezer is full, not much left for the dog though!!!

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  13. #13
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puku View Post
    Nice job @mikee.
    What brand of dog is it? Definitely a pointer looking at her nose, in the first photos it looks to be built like a brick out house.
    Almost Doberman like
    English pointer who likes her tucker
    puku likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  14. #14
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Very good

    Looks like "bob" gave you a master class lesson on getting meat off a carcass.
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  15. #15
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Very good

    Looks like "bob" gave you a master class lesson on getting meat off a carcass.
    yes he operates on the "don't waste anything at all principle" bit like VC
    ebf likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!



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