We headed back to camp happy to have anchored a stag and precious meat on the first day, the wind was picking up and the temp dropping so we took shelter between the 2 trucks and had a feed of bbq chicken shredded and filled into some fresh crusty baguettes with loads of Ants home made chilli sauce, mayo, slaw, swiss cheese and pickled habeneros washed down with a couple Pan head superchargers, in the dark we could see multiple lights on Mt Oxford and heard the odd very distant roar. After a bit of banter we all hit the hay knowing we would be up early tomorrow.
The night was windy and rainy so sleep was a bit broken, I also had trouble getting comfortable with my crook back but got enough sleep by the time the tent started to brighten with the early morning sun, the wind had settled down and the bellbirds were signalling time to get up have a feed and get to work.
I woke the lads, put the jet boil on and had a quick glass around drinking my coffee whilst bacon butties were prepared on the webber.
Once we were all fed and coffeed I discussed my cunning plan with the lads. In my truck I keep a substantial length of rope and a snatch block I pre posed we set up my truck in front of Ants with the snatch block on my recovery point the pay out the winch cable through the snatch block then add the rope to the end of the winch cable to allow us a couple hundred meters or so of deer winching without the need to lump the stag up on our backs.
Everyone understood and we set off in the fresh early morning light to enact the recovery, Lee and Ant payed out the winch cable and then the rope to the bottom of the gut and then dissappeared around a corner. The stag was only just below the scrub line and between the pair of them they had to drag him about 30m to enable a straight line winch pull with a couple resets to pay the winch cable out again. The plan worked like a charm and in about 30 minutes the stag was up at the track where we lifted it and secured it on top of the spare tire on the back of my truck.
We then drove out of the block and dropped the stag off to the chiller for processing later. Planning to return to camp in time for an evening hunt.