after the crap weather all week at work and checking the forecast 50 times. Me and two mates decided to pack up the truck Friday night and head to our favorite spring hunting spot in the urewera. Saturday dawned fine and i headed out to hunt a nice little side creek. It was encouraging to see plenty of fresh sign around and heaps of feed. I hunted slowly up the creek checking all the clearings on the way up, after about an hour I knew i was getting to the last of the good grass and my hopes started fading of finding a deer in the creek i was in. I was just going through plan b in my mind when i stepped up out of the creek and looked across to the last grass bench and a stag picked up his head as was staring at me between two punga ferns.I closed the bolt on the jw and drilled him through the neck at about 30m. The 7.62 pole axed him and I had myself some real nice meat for the freezer,Went to grab the camera and realised i left it back a the hut... Typical... the time you dont have it!the head was only a small six pointer but i was still stoked all the same. I carried him out to the mouth of the creek and wandered back to the hut for a well deserved brew. My mate saw three hinds and missed the shot, we were all keen as mustard to get back out late afternoon. About midday the wind got up and made stalking really difficult, so no more deer were seen for the trip but was a great weekend and we will be back soon!