After the recent snow dump in the WhirinakiI was keen to get in to some of my haunts and check out the damage. Was my bivvy still standing?
Well there has been a lot of damage alright. Windfall everywhere.
Theres a track in there somewhere.
I considered pulling the pin but I told myself to harden the fuck up and carry on.
I can normally get to the biv in around 2 hours but it took 3.
Amazingly the bivvy was still standing even though all around it was smashed over. Thanks Tane.
On a plus side there is a heap of tucker for the deer.
On a down side its going to be noisy going for a while.
There were a few animals around the usual spots.
I saw on on the way in. I was in sneak mode, but I must have sneaked right past it and by the time I saw him, he'd winded me. He looked fat too.
Next day I had a good look around and spooked a hind tucked in the bush just off a clearing. Bugga. Deer 2 Me 0.
Next morning I was packed up and ready to go by 8:30 as I had to be back home by 4:00 pm. Oh well I thought, at least my pack will be nice and light for the walk out.
I'd been walking less than 10 minutes when I startled a young yearling hind. As she looked at me unsure what to do I was also wondering whether or not to pull the trigger. I had a big walk ahead through some shitty bush and didnt want to be late. Alas the meathunter in me took over and she got dropped. She looked too tasty to turn down.. Thanks again Tane.
After a quick butchery session I was on my way. A good thing about using an AR for hunting is being able to break it down and put it in my pack. I definately needed both hands free to get through the windfall.
After a few stops to admire the scenery I made it out in good time and got back just before 4. So a a pretty good outcome for the weekend.