Bit of a vid I made up of yesterday avo's hunt.
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Bit of a vid I made up of yesterday avo's hunt.
Far out mate that was very nicely put together, and in less than a day.....thanks for sharing that.
Awesome footage , well done
All solo mate. I just take the time to grab a bit here and there during the day and hope at the end of the day there's something worth throwing together. Yesterday was a bit of a last minute thing, threw the rifle and gear in the truck as I left home. Caught up with my contractors on route, and because the day was so nice decided to make the most of it. I like hunting alone, no pressure to be anywhere or do anything. Those stags I watched for a good hour before pulling the trigger. I'd say with another person there, either we'd have stuffed up the stalk/been busted or the shot would have been fired much sooner in the piece and the whole experience would not have been the same.
Respect mate, on all fronts :thumbsup:
Great video, nice shooting.
Awesome Josh, Thanks for sharing. Certainly taking time and choosing wisely is something i need to take on board. I did notice something wrong with your gun but didn't seam to make any difference to the deer
Cheers for posting that was really well put together. Enjoyed it.
Awesome stuff Josh some bloody nice animals down your way.
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Bloody good Josh fuckin good bunch of stags looking at you good vid enjoyed
Top Video, you have a nice hunting spot down there. Those stags you let go have a lot of promise with some more age. Thanks for posting.
HELL just hell .. Well done that man .
A cool solo hunt, patience, awesome just watching and filming deer, and nice selective harvesting.
Another top video Josh, in fact you have taken it up a level beyond just a 'video', i reckon you are producing real quality films now, bloody good. Some cool cinematic type filming, loving it. I'm learning heaps of little things from guys like you for my own filming. Keep up the great work.
Hey for the time lapse footage, of carving up the animal, are you just filming standard video of it, then speeding it up in editing, or actually doing proper time lapse? Reason i ask is i've just started using a time lapse app on my phone which is pretty cool. (app is 'FrameLapse').
Love your vids/country/animals Josh:cool:
If I may make one point tho and I may be alone in this but maybe not?
The walk by camera shots when hunting solo are "gay as aids" to quote young Toby
I mean yea if there is two or more of you on the hunt and one of you films one walking past and taking in some scenery then yea that is cinematography.
Walking ahead to plant a camera on record,walking back to turn around and walk past the camera and then walking back to pick up the camera is so common and it is so over used on utube stuff it actually annoys the watcher and I will tag @gimp in here for good measure also.
Ripper footage - a nice day on the hill. Cool to see those stags mobbed up
Thanks Josh ! As good as anything hunting on TV and a great ethical benchmark with regard to taking what you need . Great watch
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Haha yep it can be a bit, that's why I don't do a lot of it. But what do you fill the content of a hunting video with to make it interesting viewing and how do you link the parts of the hunt up? Extended footage of the same group of animals is pretty boring, can only get so much of that in a clip before I lose interest. I hate holding the camera and talking to it so avoid that, and shakey footage - like walking with the camera can be frustrating to watch. I'm only doing it to share a hunting experience, for the enjoyment of it.
I personally like the walk past shot rather than 5 min of "go pro" bobbly walking. Big thing is to mix it up. Not too much of any one thing for too long.
Music is the hardest part to get right, yours was great.
I agree mate it was also why I asked if you had someone else there, the way you did it didn't look staged at all, VC I think what you have said is a bit contradictory i.e. if there is two its ok, if its just 1 its gay as aids. I say keep it up as those bits link you from spot to spot, scene to scene and also give the viewer some context of the surroundings and the journey in general :P
Cheers stug. Music is a pain in the backside! Finding free stuff or stuff that's not copyrighted is hard. And music that 'most' people will like, or fits into the background without being to overpowering is quite hard to find too. I usually play several pieces over the video footage before deciding what to use, wasn't convinced for this video but the missus said it was good to go ;)
Thanks JoshC you answered my question on my post on "things you like" about the age of the stags and there potential in the vid.
Also agree with you on the walk past shots. I'm sure that we all understand how much of an ass it is to do, but it makes the vids viewing experience much more enjoyable. I no how much ends up on the editors floor, out of focus etc.
Enjoy the sausages and salami :thumbsup:
All good, I know exactly what you're saying - can guarantee none of that's scripted tho. I just wander around and carry my rifle in one hand, camera in the other and randomly think as I'm walking along, 'oh that might look interesting' then plonk the camera down and record it - there's ALOT of stuff that gets deleted! Haha. I suppose it's not much different to people/hunters setting up the old self timer on a camera for a photo either. One thing about hunting by yourself and filming yourself like this is, in most cases I am always the one filming and my hunting mates are the ones getting filmed, not me, I'm usually behind the camera. So it give another perspective to the videos I edit. It is pretty weird editing clips of yourself! Haha
Also got to remember that it's not just hunters watching these videos too - I share them on other social media and my YouTube channel is public, so for example a lot of my wives friends, some of my extended family and mates that don't hunt watch them too. So having a bit of other content in there helps them understand what we love do, and how we do it - the effort that goes into a hunt, and hopefully most importantly helps to explain why we do it. The amount of cool feedback I get from non-hunters is one of my main motivators behind trying to film and photograph decent content - to shed hunting in a positive light!
VC it's only because we know he's on his own - Joe bloggs who stumbles across the video probably wouldn't pick up on that. Loved seeing those winter stags all mobbed up like that, and loved how you discussed your selection criteria to the camera before that shot for Joe Bloggs. Nice clean shot too for the casual observers out there. Enjoyed it Cheers!
Very cool Josh...
I don't mind a bit of the walk past/ drive past so long as its not overdone.. it creates context about the whole thing... I agree about the bobbing along walking can be a bit tiresome but even that adds to the context if its judicious in the amount used...
Some of that stuff being done by Gimp and Norway was different and made it more interesting than just the film an animal/shoot an animal wobbly out of focus shit that is all over the place...
really enjoyed the vid...
Nice Video Josh especially the quality of it to be done solo, great shot as well.
Perfect. An inspiration to the rest of us. Cheers
Nice footage and great hunting.cheers for letting us veiw that
wow cool film,
Neat film. Thanks for sharing.