heres a short update on the year so far, jan & feb saw a couple of good hunts, with animals seen & a nice sika stag taken, was a small 8 but had a ripper summer coat on him, so he got a free ride in the hilux and the skin is being cured, the roar saw plenty of action with a nice 11 pointer seen & an even better stag across the gully, we missed the 11 so he gets th grow bigger hopefully. chasing the sika I got onto a few but the wind was not in my favour but managed a small 4 pointer & a spiker before the roar was done, watched over a few hinds but never came across a decent stag, next year hopefully, Next we got into the ducks for opening weekend, the ducks were aplenty, but our shooting was poorbut we came right after stalking a few dams, next I headed to Galatea faces for a 2 nite camp out to try once again for a decent rusa stag, the forecast i got was for a clear fine weather window, i woke up to misty drizzle
but went to my lookout, the drizzle was mainly fog which cleared but no sun came out (no sun no rusa generally) although i spotted a hind feeding through the face, as the morning wore on I heard a couple roar, and managed to roar a stag closer, he answered and came in, but must have sensed me there as he went quiet after an hour or so, so back on the binos i went, sweeping the faces...... next minute a beauty stag was spottted sitting down in a small grass pad, out came the range finder & after a coupla range checks it was into the ballistic program as it was a long shot - 586yds, setting up with a good rest & dialed in a 168 grain berger was sent to deliver the message... which was well received! so down the hill and up the other i traipsed, after a bit of a search, he was round asleep permanently on a trail 200 yds along the ridge! stoked i was & set about head skinning & prepping for the carry out, has been an awesome time in the outdoors so far - part 2 in 6 months, cheers for reading