Has anyone heard about an imminent ban on 2 stroke motors?
Fella in work told me that motors over 100hp are banned in 2025 and smaller motors thereafter.
Can’t find anything on t’internet.
Hopefully BS.
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Has anyone heard about an imminent ban on 2 stroke motors?
Fella in work told me that motors over 100hp are banned in 2025 and smaller motors thereafter.
Can’t find anything on t’internet.
Hopefully BS.
its been bandied about for last 20 years..... really good way to make sales..buy one quick while you still can sort of deal.
Here's a thread from 2008 https://www.fishing.net.nz/forum/two...opic31769.html
In the states they banned them from freshwater lakes first.
I saw a mercury V12 600hp outboard on display yesterday,it might not leak oil like a two stroke but the Co2 émission should be impressive:-)
Sounds a bit like a good sales technique to me, if the only info we can find about it is a mention Of Judith Tizzard from 2008
For boats that don't want excessive weight hanging on the back, and if you desire the simplicity the 2 stroke offers, they are still hard to beat: 115kgs vs 72 kgs and $13K vs $7K for 50 horses.
Yeah I've got a 60HP Mercury 2smoke on the back of mine and it gets along pretty good
It's not a ban on two strokes it's a ban on installed outboards that don't meet BLA BLA over 150hp from memory.
It will only affect a very small number of boats as by definition if it runs a tote tank it's exempt
Modern E-tec outboards actually blow the four strokes away for clean running and low exhaust emissions. Some of the first ones got a bad rap for reliability but a mate has a 200 E-tec on a big hard top Mclay and that thing has been super impressive on fuel, performance, and reliability. Have an older 200 Optimax on our big old Pelin and she can really boogie along, the transom has been set up really well and boat is propped properly, hard case hooning past "sporty" boats in a big old whale
I upgraded my 15hp 2s to a 20hp 4s and the 4s is incredible. Quiet, smooth, buckets of power, uses half the fuel the 2S did for more performance. 43kg vs 33, still portable and light on the transom.
There's been some pretty impressive tech advances with those Etecs. Our Defence force has recently upgraded to the military version for all its OBM useage: quiet, economic, waterproof (drop into a swamp to hide it then retrieve later and bolt back on and off you go) and most interestingly, multifuel. But ohh! how expensive:P 30K for a 55hp:XD:
Can't have petrol onboard any USA military platforms.
Buggered if I know how they get on with chainsaws then...
How do they make their outboards so quiet? I met a guy who was surf casting at night and reckoned an inflatable with a bunch of navy or army dudes ( too dark to make out uniforms I guess) in it turned up down the beach from him and he never heard them coming.
Not sure if the multi fuel hybrid two wheel drive trail bike they we’re developing ended up going into production but it looked cool SilentHawk Hybrid-Electric Military Motorcycle | ATV Illustrated