Spent another 1/2 day on the Cruiser yesterday. Managed to get the drivers seat all mounted up, had to basically butcher the rails off the factory seats and make mounts that corresponded to the factory mounts on the floor pan of the cruiser.
A bit of mucking around getting the seat centered behind the steering wheel but very happy with the solution as I was able to drop the seat base height down about 50mm (giving me heaps of head room) and also move the seat back an extra 50mm as well, whilst still leaving plenty of storage room in the cab behind the seats.
We used 8mm thick flat bar bent and drilled to fit the factory mounts (passenger side shown mocked up), then welded the factory rails to the flat bar mounts so these seats now bolt in to the factory seat mounts and are rock solid.
Next visit, I'll get the passenger side finished then get both sets of mounts tidied up and painted with chassis black, then hopefully I can finally get back to finishing the cab off and spraying the bed liner on the floor.
It's all steps in the right direction at least.