@Ftx325 They are a great bike we had 2 come on our ride around Oz ,the only problems both had was with the starters & you have to keep a eye on the fuel system ,they will not tolerate the smallest bit of crap fuel & they had problems with the fittings weeping from memory,they were heavy on tyres,when carrying kitt for extended touring so if it comes up for new rubber look at the good stuff .
Here is my Chopper l built & rode on that trip, as well as across America on a ride with Veterans mates of mine back in 2014. My own build except the paint & chrome, a custom Pan S&S built it in 2010 ,it was a great FUN bike & it got rode hard through 100's of Klm's of dirt rode in Oz,flooded creek crossings & deserts .
It was torn down 3 times so l could get the ride stance perfect for my 6'1 bod ,it is very comfortable & easy to do long cruises which is what l built it for.It should have had the custom Old School Sissy Bar & full pillion touring saddle on it for the ride ,but it got lost at the transport depot ,it turned up eventually after it was found someone had placed it in the boot of a car in the container.
A mate from the US who did the Veterans US run & spent some time riding the old girl ,made me a offer for it l could not refuse & as part of the swap l have a 2014 Harley Road Glide he crashed sitting in bits in the shed . I am going to either use as the base for a build of a "Bagger/Tourer"or another Chopper as l actually enjoyed riding them ,but unfortunately l think this Chyna Flu cluster fuck is going to put a end to any rides overseas for a while yet .I was supposed to have started the build last year but have put it on the back burner & will build my new Man Cave /work shop/ gun room instead until the bureaucrats work out how they will shape world travel/supply trains/shipping in the near future.