Yeah I didn't think all those relays and that rats nest looked particularly like something Mr Toyota would have put there
Have a towbar, haven't checked to see if any of that runs to the trailer socket
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Yeah I didn't think all those relays and that rats nest looked particularly like something Mr Toyota would have put there
Have a towbar, haven't checked to see if any of that runs to the trailer socket
Turns out it is a voltage converter, hooked into the light circuits for the trailer plug, with very light gauge wire and extremely ghetto connections, with a hot wire from the battery routed in an exceptionally retarded route along the chassis. Better leave it in and not fry every trailer I hire. But might tidy up the wiring at some point.
Also I have a leak around my windscreen.
If you have a windscreen leek then you have rust in the windscreen frame as wel because moisture will sit betweent he seal and the metal.
I also have a leak around the windscreen and it is the usual problem, the windscreen surround has to be replaced. I've been looking for one for about 6 months but I always seem to be a bit late in the race ('sorry mate, its gone'). According to an interesting US website the windscreen problem is created by using the air conditioning unit which draws moisture into the frame and the moisture stays there and rusts out the steel. This scenario results in a new windscreen surround every 10 years. If you don't use the air conditioning the surround does not rust.
Cheers for the offer - that'd be legendary - but it's not high on my priority list at the moment.
Well let me know when your sorted, as I'm back and forward to Oz (not just Brisbane) quite a bit. Might beable to help.
Cheers, will do.
Gimp strange question but who is the alien/ghost in your wing mirror on page eight?:o
I don't have a page eight, so I cannot provide any help
@Sideshow, i see what you mean must be something normal but looks like a scream mask. your looking way too much at the photo to notice it though
Attachment 50723
oh yeah that's my flatmate Dave, he's alright
Picked up 4 factory Prado alloys today, with pretty worn 10R15 Bridgestone ATs on them, chucked them on for the drive home and got 11L/100km of diesel, not bad with 150kg of other wheels/tyres in the back. They're a slightly larger tyre than the Kumho muddies, Prado rims are a good fit and should be straightforward to find a 5th for the spare - there are 4 different wrecking Prados listed on trademe right now with these rims.
Shiny & new & an extremely saggy arse with 150kg of wheels in the back, made for a lot of body roll driving home
You change much more of that thing and the only original bit will be the shaddow.
Also 10.8L/100km today Invers to Hoki via Haast with the new alloys and worn ATs
You lucky man Gimp. I have been checking out the progress of you and the beast for a wee while. Becoming quite the man with the tools, good to see bro
Yes, next you will be in the shed bolting stuff on your gun for a full custom job:XD:
It'll be a flying brick shortly.
No, so of course I make every effort to conserve it
In other news
looks like a musical instrument. Some sort of Horn.
Ive got a low boost circa 8pis turbo on my Patrol, it certainly breathes life into the old girls.
It's the key to the money pit
It turns out I bought the wrong turbo which is a great start to this project. Turns out the T25 comes in various different compressor A/Rs and I bought one that is too big for me
Well I was told "Buy a T25" and it was advertised as a T25 so I bought it and then I was told "no that's not a T25 it's a T28" but I think it's just a T25 with a bigger compressor A/R than the one I want. but they don't make these things easy and stamp "T25" on them anywhere. Also it doesn't matter cos it's not gonna work on the 3b, short story
but I did jump further into the money pit by buying a second, hopefully actually suitable, turbo.
I'm crossing my fingers that it's a holset with anti surge front cover
So you can wind window down and listen to it suck like a $2 hooker
Had a problem with my intake hosing.
Probably not ideal for my engine to be sucking in huge amounts of unfiltered air, so I fixed it. Now it sounds epic sucking through the snorkel again. Hopefully it didn't ingest too much unfiltered shit. Not a great fix cos I'm a retard and bought 2" silicon and pipe off the Internet and probably would've been better off with 2 1/4 or something to match the existing crossover pipe. Whatever
Also finally tackled my extremely stubborn fuel filter, I'd looked at it before and it refused to move so I just left it, figuring it'd be fine. Got it off and a new one on after some effort. Seems to run a little nicer now. Maybe.