Ha, both times my Estima has had the engine light come on, it's been one of the o2 sensors. Not the sensor element itself, but the heater that ensured it read the o2 correctly while the engine was cold. It ran a bit lean or rich until the engine warmed up, then it became a non-issue. Those o2 sensors weren't cheap here, and even less so if you go through a Toyota dealership. I told them exactly what the issues was, and that I had the engine code etc. They insisted they would need to connect THEIR diagnostic machine ($80) to tell them what I already knew, then upward of $400 incl labour to replace one o2 sensor.
I hung up on them, bought a pair of Denso o2 sensors from China or Japan for $90 delivered, and replaced the crook one myself. Two years later the second one shat out and I had a spare on hand. 10min job.